Request Appointment

Kindly complete the form below. If you have questions about availability, please use the contact form or call us (559-550-4344). Please ask for Veronica.

After your appointment, feel free to leave any review or critique about our service and your experience with us, here.

For New Patients and Existing Patients here are some reminders for your scheduled appointments.

New Patients
  • Please arrive early to complete any forms that may be needed.
  • Bring your Medicare Card and another form of ID.
  • Collect all your medications in a clear bag and bring them to your visits. Also include supplements and over-the-counter medications.
  • You may write down their names, dosage, frequency, and what time you take them.
  • If you already have your history of health documented, please bring that paperwork. This could include allergies, hospitalizations, illness, etc.
  • If you have any other medical information and/or test results such as x-rays or lab work, please bring that as well.
Scheduled Appointments
  • Arrive 10 minutes early for your visits.
  • Complete the MD Visit Prep prior to your visit.
      • If you do not have a username and password, contact our office through the contact form or call us at (559-550-4344). Please ask for Veronica.
Appointment Challenges
  • Canceling an Appointment
    If you are unable to keep your appointment or you are going to be late, please call our office as soon as possible. This courtesy allows us to be of service to other patients.
  • Late to Appointment Policy
    We value your time and strive to see you as close to your appointment time as possible. Recognizing unanticipated things happen, we will hold your appointment for a 15 minute grace period after the scheduled start time of your appointment.
    All appointments will be automatically canceled thereafter.
    If you arrive after your appointment has been canceled, you will be asked to reschedule the appointment. If you are willing to wait, we will try to provide you with a full appointment. Priority is given to our scheduled patients, which means you may have to wait for an extended period of time. If this is not convenient for you, you may choose to reschedule.
  • Missed Appointment or “No-Show” Policy
    After three (3) missed appointments, we may choose to discontinue your care.
After Hours and Emergencies
  • In an Emergency or life-threatening situation call 911.

  • If you need medical care after hours, during holidays, or weekends call our office before going to an Urgent Care. We will treat or direct you to the most appropriate care.

Confidentiality  *We have a strict patient confidentiality policy. Your medical record is strictly private and will not be shared with your employer, friends, or relatives without your written permission.